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Skinned Lizards

By Sarina Greene

Art by Yao Zhuo

I maintain a watchful eye around streets of Brooklyn, New York hell bent on being the people who spend their days sipping cappuccinos in bliss confidently able in their own physique

I examine the holder & think of cracked, itched, checkerboards I feel have

nothin’ on me

pieces drip gray mucus

bruised bent brown

victims to a disease of brutality

& bumps have formed

bloody, we can’t help it

expansive, when touched

remember when we cut the lizard up?

in kindergarten it looked just like this—

grime you would find dripping from the sole of your converse

just to harden in the winter time

I would peel prickly scales off the ends & roll them into a ball around my fingers

uncomfortable encounters of a woman in solitude

keep me from slumber, yearning, to ease tingling inhabiting every corner of my skin aveeno moisturizer graciously becomes the joke we tell to our friends on facetime when they ask

why I’m watching before sunrise at midnight

I think of

dried apricots

because my sketched wishbone is edible

& now dead

anxiously agonizing

for me to stop

but in the end I still ate it

there was no flavor




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