For justification or for motives
that nuisance of enclosure
After we left a shrug
as our answer
he walks in and
takes some time
explaining why
he was so mad
at him and a certain excess
of nonsense
Which led him
to unnameable
unknown incessant anger
More than his anger but lightly
minded to be More
than even anger than just his
solid madness Instead broke
for a madder dash in
anger at self
Struck the then basic
state of that wall
held in the gales of his unwinding
out from whatever Still beginning
to be against mad self Dash
for the wall struck
for un-moment no explaining anything
for one No one's
problems so lightly framed as a second of light
bent over every missed time
With the message blowing steam
into the scream again now
Art by Madeline Langan