Critiques are critical parts of the art process. Through critiques, artists can learn so much about not only their art, but themselves. Sometimes, critiques are warm cozy places to get new ideas. Other times, they are scary places that you hate to be in.No one likes to hear that their idea or project was too confusing or doesn't fix the prompt for the class. When critiques are especially rough, one might experience the five stages of grief during and afterwards. Those stages are: Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Here is a guide on how to recover from a critique: Distractions/Denial: After a critique it is completely necessary to distract yourself. A distraction can help you distance yourself from your work or what people have said about your work. It can also help you return to your work with fresh eyes. For example, you could binge watching a tv series.Self care comes in different ways. One of those ways is by completely letting go of any responsibilities and letting yourself enjoy the mindless act of watching tv. Cleaning your room is another great option. If you don't want to focus on your work but do what to continue being responsible. Cleaning your room might be a better option for you. Lastly, read.Getting lost in someone else's world is also a great distraction Release/Anger: Exercise.Holding on to negative emotions can be worse for you than the critique itself. If you feel the need to release, do so. One way is to exercise. Run around. Do a workout. Rant. Talk to someone. Curse the world. Hate on that one kid from middle school. Say whatever you need to to feel better. -If you hurt or offend someone in the process: 1) We (members of the Prattler) are not responsible and 2) apologize for your actions.- Scream.If talking isn't your thing or your emotions are running too high. Try screaming. Don't hold it in. Find a place or a nice pillow and let it all out. Honest, just cry.If a critique was especially painful, the best thing to do might be to cry. Don't hold on to those emotions Try journaling.Releasing emotion isn't alway easy. Journaling can be a less direct way to release emotion. Confront the problem/ Bargaining: Convince your class of your idea.Sell them your perspective. Show them all the things you like about the idea Be Sad/Depression: Although many people would want to avoid this step, it is sometimes part of the process. If you feel sad, try: Listen to music.This could go in many categories but here I suggest listening to music that embodies the same feeling you might be experiencing. Making time for a self care day.Treat yo self. Give yourself the love and care you didn’t receive in your critique. You may not want to do this but I think you’ll find yourself a lot happier afterwards Hang out with your friends.Find something cheap and fun for you guys to do. Maybe go to the movies. Have a dance praty in your room or go out to dinner. Do something that might cheer you up. Acceptance: When you are ready, begin the process of acceptance. Listen (?)Look over specific notes made about your work and identify things you agree with. It doesn't have to be everything said. Just the notes that you believe could help make your piece stronger. Talk with a teacher.Ask them what you could do to improve your work. No matter what you do to cope with a challenging critique, remember to keep trying. Don't give up. --- Illustration by Cameron Schroeder
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