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Darla Warlick reflects upon her experience with ‘ghosting’ in online dating and the manner in which these ghosts continue to haunt her.
Kaitlin Venneman’s poem, based on the film “Suspiria,” eerily describes the themes of female body horror, trauma, and gore.
The Duck Witch
- Art by Priscilla Salvatore
The Manhattan Project’s Lingering Manhattan Legacy
Nina Martineck examines the legacy of the infamous Manhattan Project on New York’s own Manhattan borough and the ghost it has left behind.
Sarina Greene recounts her experience with AVM (arteriovenous malformation) as a child and how it altered her memory and personality.
The Void
Matthew Martinez warns us about the risks of buying the cheaper ramen at certain bodegas.
The Girl with the Green Ribbon
- Photos by Ingrid Jones
A Mother's Touch
Brooke Miller’s poem reflects on remembrance and grief after loss.
The Story of Jonny Packer
- By Alex Kasel
My Night Dancers
Jack Morsch sends shivers down our spine with a tale of a protagonist trapped in their room.
Haunted by Horror Legacies
Weston Tybor explores the attempts classic horror franchises are making to adapt to a modern audience.
Amanda Rios terrifies with a tale of lost media hiding sinister intentions.
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