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Your RA@Home
I am a freshman RA on the 10th floor of Emerson, but currently rooming with a culinary student, a pro-skater repped by Supreme, one cat,...

Kirby, Boseman and August 28
On August 28, 1907, a boy named Jacob Kurtzberg was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Kurtzberg was a Jew with two quick fists,...

The Legwork of Raising Tadpoles
I described it as torture to my mother, listening to the neighbor’s kids splash and yell in their pools; a staple of South Carolina...

Mourning Lost Time
On a Wednesday night in early March, I sat in a quiet Berlin bar with two friends and discussed our spring break plans. We drank gin and...

Faith in the Future
2020 is a time of great uncertainty. In March, the Coronavirus pandemic swept through our nation, establishing a new, socially-distanced...

Pratt to Participate in the #ScholarStrike for Racial Justice
The #ScholarStrike for Racial Justice—two days of action and racial justice advocacy for North American universities—is set to take place...

The Diner
Preface: The inspiration that motivated the compilation of this piece was a direct response to the state of unease in the world. Over...

Recovering From Misogyny
The first time I realized I was a part of the inferior gender I was eight years old attending a new youth group in Needville, Texas....

ICE'S New Guidelines Cause Fear for International Students
There’s a universal feeling of confusion and frustration amongst college students in the United States right now. With many schools...
Campus Safety Community Dialogue Recap
Pratt held a Campus Safety Community Dialogue open to all students, staff and faculty at noon EST on June 25, 2020. Moderated by Jasmine...
Ways To Take Action Against Police Brutality & Show Up For Racial Justice
All of us here at The Prattler are distraught and outraged by the recent events of police brutality and racial violence around the...

Live From The Living Room: The Best Online Concerts (In My Opinion, Anyway)
Whether it's the cancellation of shows, the debt of postponed festivals and tours or the lack of pay for venue employees, promoters and...
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