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Keeper of Campus
Less than half of all employed security guards in America are female, according to the United States Department of Labor. One of these...
Monument, Myth and Meaning
How can Americans reconcile with Confederate statues? Are these structures simply idealizations of white supremacy, or rather...
The Way it Goes: An Interview with Designer Daryl K
The first time I met Daryl Kerrigan was on my critique panel last semester. She was wearing blue tinted aviator glasses and ripped Levi’s...
Comic Arts Brooklyn Is Coming To Pratt
Comic Arts Brooklyn (CAB) will be held on Pratt’s Brooklyn campus this coming Saturday, November 11th. The festival will feature a...
Pratt Scholars Recognized at Gordon Parks Dialogues
On the morning of Saturday, October 28, recipients of the Gordon Parks Scholarship from Pratt Institute, Fashion Institute of Technology,...
An Evening with Aja Monet
(Cover Image) Aja Monet joyfully shares her poems, thoughts, and advice with the audience during September 21st’s Writer’s Forum reading....
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