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Who Plays Sports At Pratt: The Cult of Athlete Artists
If we examine the Art & Design schools in the North Eastern United States, options for participating in sports are sparse and sometimes...
An Interview with Mother Feather
Mother Feather is a band that doesn’t play by the rules of metal but succeeds, nonetheless. Though the record label Mother Feather is...
The Great Pratt Mountain
For years there has been a relatively common complaint among students about the nature and purpose of the work made in the educational...
Introducing: The Pratt Pantry
With college tuition rates and student loan debts at an all-time high, many students are burdened with their finances. For many, who are...
Reach Out: Thoughts on Social Anxiety
Don’t mess up, don’t be an idiot, are your eyes twitching? Fix your posture, be careful not to let your arms look chubby, don’t say...
Move-in Day
Seven and a half hours away, my old bedroom waits idly. Behind a chipping green door, slightly sticky and vaguely scratched-up waits a...
Taking Up Space
New York’s transit system is its lifeblood. Millions of residents use it for work, school, shopping, eating, social functions, and...
Bathroom Trauma
Bathrooms make me nervous. I think it began with my childhood habit of running into the first bathroom I saw and ending up in the wrong...
Where the Pratt Cats Go
You can find a cat in almost every building on Pratt campus. If you head to the Writing Center, you’ll see a gigantic cat named Thomas...
Behind The Cover with Molly Dauphin In my personal work, I’m passionate about combining design, illustration and photography into one...
A Touch of Spring: Call to Action
If I have a complaint about Pratt Institute, 50 people will share it, and 50 more people will each have their own, unique complaint. The...
Gender Identity Under the Trump Administration
Gender identity is an essential part of a person’s livelihood. Recently, its expression and recognition has been subject to intensely...
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