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"Nuevayorkinos: Essential and Excluded" Spotlights NYC’s Immigrant Workers and Community
A recent MoMA PS1 exhibit about essential immigrant workers, and its importance as both education and celebration of immigrant communities.
Pratt's Youngest Students
Nina Martineck uncovers Pratt’s long-lost kindergarten program, and the lasting effects it has had on early education around the nation.
Navigating Gentrification
Every time I walk to the Starbucks by campus, I pass by a grey streetlight with the black bold letters tagged on the base: “Rich People...
The Vibrance and Resilience of Higgins Hall
Due to the amount of time Pratt architecture students have spent within the walls of Higgins Hall, most of us would claim that we know...
Finding My Pieces
Gender forms a part of your identity before you’re even born. Expectant parents learn of their baby’s sex on a sonogram as early as 14...
Pratt Institute and Urban Renewal: How Pratt Stimulated Two Components of Gentrification
Pratt Institute prides itself on its 25 acre green campus in the heart of Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. It’s quite the commodity, as most New...
Pamela Colman Smith: The Artist that Shaped the Tarot
The Moon tarot card depicts two wolf-like creatures staring up at a rendition of a golden moon. Spiked rays jolt around it, which may...
Game, Set, Match
The first tennis match of the season is always a mixture of anxiety and excitement. I’ve experienced those feelings since seventh grade,...
Ways To Support the AAPI Community: A Living List
The recent attacks on Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities are, sadly, nothing new. Since the beginning of the...
A Look at Pratt’s Latinx Artists
Though only two years old, the Latinx Student Alliance feels as if it’s been around much longer. A typical meeting, which is held every...
A Clock Won’t Change A Climate
On September 19, 2019, 60,000 people attended the People’s Climate March in New York City. Many schools had given students the day off to...
Pratt on Three!
Fall of 2020 is my first season without volleyball in over eleven years. I began playing at the age of nine and quickly fell in love....
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