Nina MartineckThe Legend of Pratt's Secret TunnelsNina Martineck uncovers the tunnels hiding underneath Pratt, and whether their existence is fact or fiction.
Eli NadlerThe Stone AgeEli Nadler spotlights The Stone Age, an interactive art installation/cannabis experience in Chelsea
Naomi DesaiA Lesson on MicroaggressionsExperiences with microaggressions at Pratt and ways that our institution can make the curriculum and institute more inclusive.
Cara McSongweArt School and the “Major” ProblemCara McSongwe interviews a fellow student who pursued their passion as a college major, and how this decision treats artists in the long run
Hayes MitchellA Look Inside the LibraryHayes Mitchell shines light on the Pratt libraries, and the wealth of information and resources they provide for both staff and students.
Nina MartineckPratt's Youngest StudentsNina Martineck uncovers Pratt’s long-lost kindergarten program, and the lasting effects it has had on early education around the nation.
Ayla EllenbogenHave You Seen Your Art?Interviews of various Pratt students about how they view their work, and what it says about the visibility of our art in the future.
Natalie HelselBeyond The Ads: Gender Visibility and Community on CampusCritique of the hypervisibility of gender in art and advertising, and ways we can combat this both on campus and in our work.
Morrison HaslockIdentifying The MaskThe challenge of recognizing peers on campus, and how this semester calls for new, inventive ways of getting to know one another again.
Lavanya GoyalScratches on the FloorGoyal examines the seemingly invisible scratches on Stabile Hall’s floors and explains how they add to a legacy larger than we may realize.
Nina MartineckThe Vibrance and Resilience of Higgins HallDue to the amount of time Pratt architecture students have spent within the walls of Higgins Hall, most of us would claim that we know...
Nina MartineckPratt Institute and Urban Renewal: How Pratt Stimulated Two Components of GentrificationPratt Institute prides itself on its 25 acre green campus in the heart of Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. It’s quite the commodity, as most New...