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Art by Tutu Ayodele
This illustration portrays a diverse crowd, each person unique yet devoid of color, trapped in a monochrome existence. In contrast, a...
Art by Jordan Anna Torres
This collage of drawings and photographs depict throughout my life’s hyperfixations from when I was a toddler to my early teenage years....
Beyond the Screen
By Riley Stose After another day at my small-town, Southern middle school, all I knew was that my plan once I got home was to plop into...
In Kaede’s Name: Please Behave on The Internet
By Anivia Deng The internet has always been the playground of many cultures. One is the ACG community (Animation, Comics, and Games),...
Is Collecting Cringe?
By Leah Bernstein The urge to collect is not a new one, but in current times it has certainly become popular. What was once a niche way...
Sharing Your Likeness
By Jacob Phillips You and I were in Florida in July. We took many pictures: Contemplative portraits on the gulf shore. Date night at a...
By Tangerine In winter of 2014, two legions converged on an icy road, armed with vitriol and parasocial fervor. Girls’ Generation...
Velocity Edit
By Anna Avent Art by Amelia Randolph It's 3:23 am, and the slowed version of a song repeats itself. Pixels of light reverberate flashes...
Modern Grave Robbing
By Ethan M. Choi Art by Aron Ladanyi Take the body, Sell the brain. Find the glassy-eyed professor – he’s always taking a bargain: A...
By Jett Jenkins Art by Jordan Morales Did you hear Oasis is getting back together? Should we get tickets at the box office? Should we...
When Art Becomes Cringe
By Kaitlyn Adams Art by Rae-Lynn Shi I have this recurring nightmare: I look down to find I am bleeding out of my stomach after...
Bad Fathers are going extinct! But the Human Race might be too
By Nora Mayers Art by Tanya Dyakonova and Leona Bergin We were supposed to be the generation to quit smoking, stop global warming, and...
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